
This is the exclusive method of The Healthy Art Club.

I design customised wellness meetings or programs for your company

Together with project participants, a plan of action is created that actively meets the genuine needs of the company.

Based on my experience, this requires between two hours and one full day. These are face-to-face and can accommodate between 6 and 14 participants.

I can propose ideal spaces in central Barcelona or Madrid for these to take place, or come to your offices.

Courses can be in english, spanish or french.

For more information

download our CORPORATE 


Alternatively, fill in this form with your needs and objectives, and I will contact you directly.

Do you want to know our personal workshops?



Por favor, rellena el siguiente formulario para descargar el Dossier

Te has suscrito correctamente al boletín

Se produjo un error al intentar enviar tu solicitud. Inténtalo de nuevo.

The healthy art club will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing.