The Healthy Art Club offers one-on-one meetings that aim to recover wellness through Art.

Artistic notion is not necessary as we work with our hands or through contemplation to experience wellness. Because this is exactly what ‘wellness’ means: owning the skill of living well.

Courses can be in english, spanish or french.

The healthy art club workshops para empresas, emocionales y workshops personales bienestar emocional


Each workshop studies a precious characteristic: an emotion, an attribute, or a universal question.

We take part in multiple meetings per year and in different cities, the dates of which are posted on our website or Instagram profile. Alternatively, send me an email and I will respond with details in advance. 

Alternatively, send me an email and I will respond with details in advance.

The Healthy Art Club

The Art of listening from the heart

Through exercises using clay in a group dynamic, we highlight the benefit of listening to ourselves and from the heart. Moulding the clay with our hands is a practical way of sorting through inner thoughts and ideas and voicing them in physical form. Benefits include calming the mind, evening the breath, and creating bonds of respect and empathy that free us from taking things too personally.

Duration: 2 hours

Techniques: Clay moulding, group listening dynamic

The healthy art club workshops para empresas, emocionales y workshops personales bienestar emocional

The Healthy Art Club

The Art of Taking Perspective

We can all take advantage of slowing down and taking in our surroundings on a daily basis. Form drawing helps us focus through geometry and the realisation of corresponding points of view. Using coloured pencils and a sequence of freehand and precisely measured drawings, the clarity of multiple viewpoints becomes an experience. Benefits include calming the mind, taking distance, focusing, flowing, taking things less personally and creating bonds of respect.

Duration: 2 hours

Techniques: Form drawing, geometry, group listening dynamics.

Periodic meetings

In my experience, multiple sessions help establish new, healthy habits in our lives. Seen as a ‘soul gym’, the meetings are a space of discovery for Art as a vital tool of self-improvement, both in the internal and external world.

Four weekly or bi-weekly sessions of one and a half hours are held when the required number of participants sign up. Sign up for more information.

  • These are weekly or fortnightly meetings of four sessions, each lasting an hour and a half.

  • These meetings are held when the required number of participants is reached. Sign up and I will let you know.
The healthy art club workshops para empresas, emocionales y workshops personales bienestar emocional

The art of diversity

How our temperaments influence our lives.

Objective: to discover, understand and celebrate our temperaments. Enhanced by accepting their differences, understanding temperaments becomes an incredible tool for life.

Through exercises with coloured pigments, we understand that each member of the group is able to share their temperament, which will in turn be recognised and welcomed.

The healthy art club workshops para empresas, emocionales y workshops personales bienestar emocional

The art of EULABEIA

Paying careful attention.

Objective: To discover and focus on the details that surround us.

We will perform exercises that centre us, practise balanced and rhythmic breathing, and use artistic techniques with the rhythm and order of our surroundings.

The healthy art club workshops para empresas, emocionales y workshops personales bienestar emocional

The art of being a woman

Fully enjoy each stage of life.

Objective: To understand the various different phases that women pass through.

Using artistic techniques, we discover what to hold on to and what to let go of. Meetings to share, listen, learn and receive.

The healthy art club workshops para empresas, emocionales y workshops personales bienestar emocional

The art of home

Ideal for people who have recently relocated

Objective: To recover a centred sense and understand our surroundings, and to find balance upon arriving in a new country for a long-term stay

These meetings are given in Spanish, English or French.

Private and individual meetings

If you want to share The Healthy Art Club with those around you, I can tailor-make private meetings, designing their content for your wellness.

If one-on-one sessions are preferred, this is also an option.

In either case, please write to me with your ideas, and I will respond with the most suitable plan.


Do you want to know more about our workshops for companies?


Por favor, rellena el siguiente formulario y me pondré en contacto contigo lo antes posible para avisarte del próximo workshop

The Art of listening from the heart

Por favor, rellena el siguiente formulario y me pondré en contacto contigo lo antes posible para avisarte cuándo se realizará el próximo workshop.

¡El formulario se ha enviado correctamente!. En breve me pondré en contacto contigo.

Se produjo un error al intentar enviar tu solicitud. Inténtalo de nuevo.

The healthy art club will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing.

The Art of Taking Perspective

Por favor, rellena el siguiente formulario y me pondré en contacto contigo lo antes posible para avisarte cuándo se realizará el próximo workshop.

¡El formulario se ha enviado correctamente!. En breve me pondré en contacto contigo.

Se produjo un error al intentar enviar tu solicitud. Inténtalo de nuevo.

The healthy art club will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing.